What is Life?
True spirituality is to realize that we are united with Him, to be friend with him, God or Life – whatever we call it. The realization is not found in big words or in the scriptures but in an inner actual experience.…
True spirituality is to realize that we are united with Him, to be friend with him, God or Life – whatever we call it. The realization is not found in big words or in the scriptures but in an inner actual experience.…
kabir satguru mara baan, nirakhi nirakhi nij thaor ram akhilme rama raha, chet nahi aowe aur Kabir says that Satguru is aiming the arrows continuously on him. When he sees that the Self is delighting in the Self, he…
The verses and the commentaries below are my own reflections and understanding of the bible. Since I choose to make use of religious texts as an aid to communicate my own experience and understanding, it is just as well that…
A verse taken from the book "Yearning of the Soul" written by Per H Wibe. The book contains many small texts and verses that he wrote during the years of his spiritual efforts. The texts and verses are the…
Inner steadiness and yearning, a constantly burning candle; no one can give us this but ourselves. It grows from within as a response to our love and hunger for truth. When realized, no one can steal it from us. It…
River and Ocean River the Disciple Master oh Mine, Who is dearer to me as my breath Let this river named Sridhar merge with Ocean named Self Tired am I swimming across, Pull me up towards you, I am ready. Ocean…
It seems not to be possible to pass on experiences of the Infinite, which is fundamental, through words alone. This is the problem of teachers in the spiritual field. Their words have been misinterpreted, and with the passage of…
It is said that Lahiri Mahasaya, who is recognized as the founder of Kriya Yoga in modern times (see “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda), was asked by his disciples about his connection to Kabir, and on their request…
The verses and the commentaries below are my own reflections and understanding of the bible. Since I choose to make use of religious texts as an aid to communicate my own experience and understanding, it is just as well that…