April 22 – 23
Om Retreaten
Hovedfokuset på retreaten er stillhet, hvile, meditasjon.
Det blir et strukturert program med lengre meditasjoner og erfaring av stillhet – en stor inspirasjon for den daglige Kriya Yoga praktiseringen.
Påmelding til Heidi
på epost:
eller telefon 0047 98609045
Kriya Yoga Initiation
The most important part to bring for Kriya Yoga initiation is your sincerity and a desire to practice the techniques regularly. According to the tradition you shall also bring some symbolic offerings to the initiation.
- Five flowers (at least one rose) which symbolize the five senses.
- Five fruits which symbolize the result of the five senses.
- Donation, as mentioned before, is a symbol of the physical element.
~ A moment’s good company will enable human being to cross the Worldly Ocean ~
Welcome to the Retreat – Per Wibe