04 – 10 August 2025
Practical Information
It will be a structured program with long meditations every day and experiences of Silence. Deep meditations in a retreat are a great inspiration for our daily practice.
The main focus is silence, rest and meditation. It is possible to receive initiation during the retreat for new students.
Initiation in Kriya Yoga will be given to those who are not already initiated.
In a beautiful place in Dalsland, Sweden for the 25th year
04 – 10 August 2025
In the afternoon / evening 04 August 2025
Course Donation
7500, – nok all included
Bring your own bed linen. If not you can rent from Ragnhild for 100, – nok
You can pay the fee after arrival.
This retreat will be conducted by Per H Wibe.
Ragnhild 0047-91827447 Ragnhild.monsen@gmail.
How to reach there?
From Airport
Kriya Yoga Initiation
The most important part to bring for Kriya Yoga initiation is your sincerity and a desire to practice the techniques regularly. According to the tradition you shall also bring some symbolic offerings to the initiation.
- Five flowers (at least one rose) which symbolize the five senses.
- Five fruits which symbolize the result of the five senses.
- Donation, as mentioned before, is a symbol of the physical element.
~ A moment’s good company will enable human being to cross the Worldly Ocean ~
Welcome to the Retreat – Per Wibe