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In conversation with Master

Per H. Wibe has been pursuing meditation and spiritual practise since 1975. He lived an ordinary household life. This has…

My Supernatural Power

Kirit Goyal's Kriya Experience Autobiographies and books written by accomplished yogis gives the impression that if you practice meditation techniques…

What is Meditation?

Vanisha Uppal's Kriya Experience   After practising meditation for a year or so, people often find themselves feeling more miserable…

Meeting with Master

  by Vanisha Uppal. In the year 2010, I had an intense inner desire to read Bhagavad Gita. After reading it…

Wise Master and Stupid Disciple

Sridhar, a disciple who has taken initiation in October 2010 writes about his experiences related to his initiation and meeting…

The Pyramid of Silence

Life Positive Magazine December 2016 issue By Nandini Sarkar The search for meditative silence led Nandini Sarkar to the Pyramid Valley…

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