The knowledge of Kriya Yoga is first of all transmitted through Guru-Shishya (Teacher-Student) tradition, that means one receives personal initiation and the Kriya-Yoga techniques from a Master. That is how it should be, but sometimes it is very difficult even for a sincere student to come to a Master due to various reasons.
Therefore, with the aim of furthering the goal of bringing people closer to self-realization as a sacred task, you will learn some of the 1st Kriya techniques as given by Babaji to Lahiri Mahasaya, a meeting that is described in Yogananda’s book “Autobiography of a Yogi”.
A stable and good life in a changing and troublesome world is anchored in a stable condition within. Kriya Yoga is a good foundation to build inner silence which spontaneously leads to increased awareness, more inner peace and stability inside. Kriya is not connected to any special teaching, philosophy or beliefs and is beyond dogmatic and intellectual concepts. It is about the breath, Life itself, to be aware, to discover from inside. It is said that we grow through the ups and downs of life. This is true but it is at the same time a limited understanding. The most useful aid in spirituality is to improve from inside with the help of meditation as we have a tendency only to look outside. It is good to remember this when you receive the techniques. With this understanding, the practice of the techniques is very helpful.
In Kriya Yoga there are 7 Kriyas: First Kriya, Second Kriya, Third Kriya and so on upto Seventh Kriya. During the first initiation, seekers are taught First Kriya which comprises of 6 different techniques. Subsequent techniques are taught depending upon ones progress in the practice and level of realization after gap of few years.
Keeping in view of the difficulties of sincere people to attend a personal initiation and also to maintain the tradition, we will be offering the first 3 techniques of the First Kriya through this online course. Rest of the 3 techniques will be taught when you come for personal initiation.
According to the tradition, for personal initiation into Kriya Yoga, some symbolic offerings are made.
- Five flowers (at least one rose) which symbolize the five senses.
- Five fruits which symbolize the result of the five senses.
- Donation, as mentioned before, is a symbol of the physical element.
Online Teaching Donation:
INR 3000 for Indian Residents
USD 50 for Foreign Residents
Flowers, fruits and 50% remaining donation will be taken at the time of personal initiation when you attend the meditation retreat.
After successful donation, you will be redirected to download page with the first 3 techniques of First Kriya and a guided audio link for your daily practice. Please go through the PDF document in detail to understand the techniques. You can download the guided audio also. If the download page is not displayed after donation, please contact Amit .
You can schedule a video conference once within a month of registration to clarify any doubts about the techniques. In most cases, this might not even be necessary as the techniques are very simple to understand and practice.
It may be noted that these techniques and the audio are only for your personal use and should not be shared with anyone else.
For any other queries, please contact Amit