Kriya Yoga Meditation
The focus of Per Wibe’s teachings is to practice the techniques and experience Silence: to realize that we are one with Life, one with that which creates everything – the great aim of Life. Kriya Yoga is an excellent tool that takes us to the level of no duality inside.
We are offering some of the Kriya Yoga techniques online as well as through retreats.
Learn Kriya Online
Welcome to people all over the globe.
Keeping in view of the difficulties of sincere people to attend a personal initiation and also to maintain the tradition, we will be offering the first 3 techniques of the First Kriya through this online course.
Retreats in India
Retreats in Europe
What is Kriya Yoga?

Kriya Yoga is a meditation technique which takes us inside to Silence, to a level of no conflict. The techniques are based on the breath, the awareness and the energy centers (chakras) in the spine – developed and tested through thousands of years, based on a rich and ancient tradition.
The techniques are simple and effective. In a retreat, one receives initiation in the 1st Kriya which comprises of six techniques. There are further higher Kriyas, up to the 7th, which is subsequently given according to individual’s preparedness through regular practice.
When the body is born we start to breathe, when the body dies the breath leaves the body. This is happening all the time, we are breathing in and out. We inhale new life from the source, and we exhale that which is dead from the body. To realise who we are, our unity with life, we have to be consciously connected to the source of life through the breath.
About Per H. Wibe

Per H. Wibe started his spiritual efforts in 1976 and practiced intensely for 20 years. His spiritual efforts in brief can be read here. With a desire to guide people to experience an inner state of no duality, he started initiating people into Kriya Yoga in 1997. He has been guiding his students in his own way, straight to the essence, taking them deeper gradually without diverging through intellectual understanding.
From his first day of teaching he said: “Be deeply inside. What you experience is because of Life, it is not my power”. He is connected to Mahavatar Babaji tradition through his Kriya Yoga teacher Swami Shankarananda Giri.
He has lived an ordinary life with family and business activities. At the same time he has devoted most of his leisure time for forty years to meditation, spiritual studies and teaching. Personal experiences, a result of spiritual efforts for many years, inspire him to say: “I am not there, only an unlimited space and the experience”. Per is teaching Kriya Yoga in a practical and simple way, taking his students to the essence: to a level of non-duality, to an inner experience of Silence.
Over the last 25 years, Per H Wibe has been conducting Kriya Yoga retreats across several countries in Europe, America, South America, Thailand and India. In India, he has conducted about 100 retreats in 15 different cities since 2008.
Words by Per
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